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Bargaining Proposals to Date

The % listed is the increase in the total cost of the contract package, not just the salary request.  

  • This also includes the cost of health/ dental insurance (increase if 5-10% per year), advisors for extracurricular (activities. /sports), FICA, TRA, and TSA match expenses.

A. The district is receiving $33 million in new additional funding for the 23-25 biennium over what they received in 21-23. $19 million of that comes in the form of general (per pupil) formula plus Special Education funding)

B. Based is relevant data from past rounds of negotiations, EML settlements have averaged receiving 83.9% of these funding streams increases. Applied to the new $19 million in funding, this would equal $15.9 million.

C. What isn’t shown in this chart is the efforts at mediation since the rejected offers of 1/18/24. (Very misleading and not fully transparent!)

D. Current offers on the table:

  • District = $12.2 million
  •  EML = $15.5 million this is less than the historical amounts of the past)

E. In the last round of negotiations for the 21-23 biennium, the settlement was for $13.1 million. The district’s current offer of $12.2 million is less than EML’s last contract settlement!

(NOTE: in the 21-23 biennium, state funding increased 2% and 2% with little increase in SE monies.  For the 23-25 biennium, state funding increased 4% and 2% with a $5million increase in SE funding).

F. It is amazing to Lakeville Educators that when the district has received historically significant investment of funding from the state, the district has seen fit to offer less money than the last round of bargaining.

Lakeville Educators are only asking for their “Fair Share of the Pie”.  The district’s offer on the table does not respect nor value the efforts educators put forth each and every day for Students, Families, and Parents.